Thursday, November 20, 2008

Living in a right-handed world..

Obama and John McCain are left-handed.. Who knew?
7-10% of humans are left-handed.

Any who, living in a right-handed world is difficult. I don't think that people understand what we left-handers go through.

For example, scissors are made for right handed people most of the time and it really kills your fingers when you cut paper. The computer mouse is almost another one. I grew up using a right-handed mouse with my left hand and because of that I don't know if I'd like a left handed mouse. But its still annoying. Certain knives are made for right-handed people because they have curves and such. Certain saw and tools in that category have the tool nailed into the right side for carpenters and such. Guitars are mostly made in the right-handed fashion. It is also very hard to learn to play guitar from a right handed person because you have to thinik backwords or upside down. Trupets, violins, and clairenets are also popluarly right-handed made. Golf clubs are easy to get for a left-handed people so thats nice but I don't like golfing.

Another big thing is writing. It was hard to learn to write because when I was little every one was writing with and different hand. I used to write backwords but I have no idea why. If you notice how a left handed person writes and how a right handed person writes you'll notice that it is different. Because left-handed kids or their teachers incouraged the student to mimic the style or writing of a right handed person we curl our wrists. We try and write at the same angle and thus the curled hand. You have to lift your hand when you write because you'll smudge the paper. Apparently, a left-handed person that writes in the proper way should have their pen/cil below the line of which they are writing. Don't try and do this! ITS HARD.

Guns are made for right-handed people as well as cameras. The grip of a camera is for right handed people as well as the shutter button but I've learned to live with it. There aren't left handed cameras but it doesn't matter as much as the other things. And bowling balls!

Oh, and baseball. I catch and throw with my left hand. I know its odd but I do! I must be extremely left-handed. I think I'm slightly dyslexic because when I read outloud I sometimes mix up the words or letters and say something wrong or skip something but only sometimes.

And idiotic binders and notebook paper. I hate those stupid metal bars! ERGH. That's the worst thing!! OUT OF ALL OF THEM.

I do these things wiht my left handed.
- switch on/off lights
- brush teeth
- comb hair
- hammer
- water flowers
- throw dice
- pick up/count things
- open window/door
- use a screwdriver
- sew
- throw a ball
- write, draw, and paint
- eat and drink
- cut food
- more..

According to Left-handers International, August 13th has been made Left-Handers Day!!

Wedding rings are worn on the left hand. But that goes back to an Egyptian & Mayan belief of the vein that connects to the heart is on the left handed.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Sign me up!

I was rt handed until age 4-5 or so.

I kick with my rt foot but throw w/lft hand.

Being a drummer was every lesson in jr high the instructor had to turn the kit around. Lost about 10 mins of lesson time every week!