Thursday, October 30, 2008


I am a fan of beverages. I love tea, water and natural juices (i.e orange, apple, grape, ect...). I don't like coffee or soda but that's just me.

So my question is:
Soda, Coffee, or both?
Tea, water, or both?
Juice, energy drinks, or both?


Joe said...

Soda, Coffee, or both?
Coffee. I just quit all soda.

Tea, water, or both?
Water w/lime or lemon slices.

That's all I drink.

Wait...I do have a superfood in the mnoring called Vitamineral Green

Goes like this;
3/4 cup of water
Three spoonfuls of plain yogurt
1/4 cup of egg whites
Cap of Vitamineral Green
Frozen berries--variety mix

Spectacular...and good for ya!

PS--Sugar is the devil in white

Kraig McNutt said...

Coffee in the morning. Dunkin Donuts has better coffee than Starbucks.

Unsweet tea with extra lemon at lunch.

Diet coke at dinner. Just one glass.

Unknown said...

Diet Coke Diet Coke Diet Coke. I know , I know--I need to cut down and eventually cease the coke thing. I do love water with extra lemon and flavored teas. Now confess--you inhale green tea!!