Sunday, October 19, 2008

Chinese ATM

Looks the same to me. What do you think?


Joe said...

What does the keyboard look like?

The question is, can you read the keyboard Mr Matt and get the cash you need in China to buy a hat?

Can you?

If you can't, can you at least ask for help in the native tongue?

When I went to France, I traveled with a friend who spoke the language fluently.

After we got back, I asked this question;
Is it better to travel a foreign land with someone who speaks the language or someone you get along with?

I went with the language...we got lost a lot!

Matthew Soren! said...

The keyboard looks like our keyboard. They type with the English alphabet and form sound words called pinyin. After you type the pinyin you can choose which Chinese character you want based on the pinyin you typed (Usually 5 choices: 1-4 tones and the neutral tone).

I can ask for help, but I would enjoy getting lost. It would be an adventure!

Kraig McNutt said...

But it would not be called an 'ATM' would it? What would be the Chinese equivalent?