Saturday, October 11, 2008

Chengdu Downtown Biking

Matthew Vaughan is a busiman (middle 20's) living in Chengdu, China. This is a bike ride he videotaped. I hope to go to this same city. This song is an award winning song:
by 布仁巴雅尔
It's in Mongolian, but there are Mandarin versions too.


Joe said...

Chinese Rap...guess ya gotta live there.

You should list a few movies that depict daily life in China.

I am a big fan of a day in the life. I will film bike rides with my dogs soon.

How do you upload to Youtube?

Keep posting Master McNutt/Blair/Hat Wearin' Dude/ Healthy Eatin' Friend

Matthew Soren! said...

I don't think it's Chinese rap. I have some on my ipod and it is normal rap music but in Chinese. I think its a Mongolian cultural style, but I have no idea.

And youtube.. Make an account and then you see the link that says Upload a Video or something similar to that.

Kraig McNutt said...

That is a neat video. Couple reactions?

a. Very modern looking. Could have been shot in Louisville or Nashville.

b. When was it shot? I saw people wearing what looked like winter clothing.

c. How big is inner city Chengdu?

d. How many people live in greater Chengdu, meaning in the rural parts?